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Лут таблица - Хагара Хранительница бури

Хагара Хранительница бури- четвертый босс из рейда Душа Дракона.
Хагара — одна из первых Отрекшихся, занявшихся изучением тайной магии. Несмотря на то, что она приступила к изучению тайных наук очень поздно, в ней обнаружился настоящий талант. Увы, её попытки заставить элементалей служить ей закончились плачевно: Владыка Ветра Ал'акир заманил её в ловушку и, извратив её сущность, сделал одной из своих слуг. Ныне глубоко преданная Сумеречному Молоту Хагара пленяет всех осмеливающихся противостоять культу, чтобы отдать их на растерзание своим хозяевам-элементалям.
LevelTypeSpecSlotName Boss
85CraftingReagentReagentEssence of Destruction All LFR Bosses
384FingerTankFingerHardheart Ring LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384FingerSpell SpiritFingerSignet of Suturing LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384FingerSpell DPSFingerInfinite Loop LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384FingerMeleeFingerBreathstealer Band LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384FingerMeleeFingerSeal of Primordial Shadow LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketHealingTrinketWindward Heart LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCunning of the Cruel LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketVial of Shadows LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketMeleeTrinketBone-Link Fetish LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketTankingTrinketIndomitable Pride LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384DaggerPhysical DPSOne-HandElectrowing Dagger LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384StaffSpell DPSTwo-HandLightning Rod LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384PlateMeleeWaistRunescriven Demon Collar LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384MailPhysical DPSFeetTreads of Dormant Dreams LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384LeatherSpell SpiritWaistGirdle of the Grotesque LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384ClothSpell DPSWristBracers of the Banished LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384FingerSpell DPSFingerRing of the Riven LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384FingerPhysical DPSFingerSignet of Grasping Mouths LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Protector LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Conqueror LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
384Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Vanquisher LFR Hagara the Stormbinder
LevelTypeSpecSlotName Boss
397FingerTankFingerHardheart Ring All Bosses Except Deathwing
397FingerSpell SpiritFingerSignet of Suturing All Bosses Except Deathwing
397FingerSpell DPSFingerInfinite Loop All Bosses Except Deathwing
397FingerMeleeFingerSeal of Primordial Shadow All Bosses Except Deathwing
397FingerMeleeFingerBreathstealer Band All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketHealingTrinketWindward Heart All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCunning of the Cruel All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketVial of Shadows All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketMeleeTrinketBone-Link Fetish All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketTankingTrinketIndomitable Pride All Bosses Except Deathwing
397DaggerPhysical DPSOne-HandElectrowing Dagger Hagara the Stormbinder
397StaffSpell DPSTwo-HandLightning Rod Hagara the Stormbinder
397PlateMeleeWaistRunescriven Demon Collar Hagara the Stormbinder
397MailPhysical DPSFeetTreads of Dormant Dreams Hagara the Stormbinder
397LeatherSpell SpiritWaistGirdle of the Grotesque Hagara the Stormbinder
397ClothSpell DPSWristBracers of the Banished Hagara the Stormbinder
397FingerSpell DPSFingerRing of the Riven Hagara the Stormbinder
397FingerPhysical DPSFingerSignet of Grasping Mouths Hagara the Stormbinder
397Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Conqueror Hagara the Stormbinder
397Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Protector Hagara the Stormbinder
397Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Vanquisher Hagara the Stormbinder
LevelTypeSpecSlotName Boss
410FingerTankFingerHardheart Ring Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410FingerSpell SpiritFingerSignet of Suturing Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410FingerSpell DPSFingerInfinite Loop Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410FingerMeleeFingerBreathstealer Band Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410FingerMeleeFingerSeal of Primordial Shadow Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketHealingTrinketWindward Heart Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCunning of the Cruel Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketVial of Shadows Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketMeleeTrinketBone-Link Fetish Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketTankingTrinketIndomitable Pride Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410DaggerPhysical DPSOne-HandElectrowing Dagger Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410StaffSpell DPSTwo-HandLightning Rod Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410PlateMeleeWaistRunescriven Demon Collar Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410MailPhysical DPSFeetTreads of Dormant Dreams Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410LeatherSpell SpiritWaistGirdle of the Grotesque Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410ClothSpell DPSWristBracers of the Banished Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410FingerSpell DPSFingerRing of the Riven Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410FingerPhysical DPSFingerSignet of Grasping Mouths Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Vanquisher Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Protector Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
410Tier 13ArmorTokenShoulders of the Corrupted Conqueror Heroic Hagara the Stormbinder
Cataclysm RaidSiege of Wyrmrest Temple
Defeat the bosses laying siege to Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragon Soul raid.
Cataclysm RaidHeroic: Hagara the Stormbinder
Defeat Hagara the Stormbinder in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Категория: Cataclysm | Добавил: Aurora (26.11.2011)
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