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Лут таблица - Йор-Садж Неспящий

Йор'садж Неспящий - третий босс из рейда Душа Дракона.
После падения Сумеречного бастиона Йор'Садж Неспящий всячески содействовал Смертокрылу, выпуская все больше и больше безликих из их подземных камер. Нет числа его войскам, и невообразима их мощь — и Йор'Садж рассчитывает на щедрую награду в обмен на свою верную службу.
LevelTypeSpecSlotName Boss
85CraftingReagentReagentEssence of Destruction All LFR Bosses
384FingerTankFingerHardheart Ring LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384FingerSpell SpiritFingerSignet of Suturing LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384FingerSpell DPSFingerInfinite Loop LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384FingerMeleeFingerBreathstealer Band LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384FingerMeleeFingerSeal of Primordial Shadow LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketHealingTrinketWindward Heart LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCunning of the Cruel LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketVial of Shadows LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketMeleeTrinketBone-Link Fetish LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384TrinketTankingTrinketIndomitable Pride LFR All Bosses Except Deathwing
384AxeMeleeTwo-HandExperimental Specimen Slicer LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384DaggerSpell SpiritMain HandScalpel of Unrelenting Agony LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384StaffPhysical DPSTwo-HandSpire of Coagulated Globules LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384PlateSpell SpiritWristHeartblood Wristplates LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384MailSpell SpiritFeetMindstrainer Treads LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384LeatherPhysical DPSFeetInterrogator's Bloody Footpads LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384TrinketSpell DPSTrinketInsignia of the Corrupted Mind LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384TrinketTankingTrinketSoulshifter Vortex LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Protector LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Conqueror LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
384Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Vanquisher LFR Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
LevelTypeSpecSlotName Boss
397FingerTankFingerHardheart Ring All Bosses Except Deathwing
397FingerSpell SpiritFingerSignet of Suturing All Bosses Except Deathwing
397FingerSpell DPSFingerInfinite Loop All Bosses Except Deathwing
397FingerMeleeFingerSeal of Primordial Shadow All Bosses Except Deathwing
397FingerMeleeFingerBreathstealer Band All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketHealingTrinketWindward Heart All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCunning of the Cruel All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketVial of Shadows All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketMeleeTrinketBone-Link Fetish All Bosses Except Deathwing
397TrinketTankingTrinketIndomitable Pride All Bosses Except Deathwing
397AxeMeleeTwo-HandExperimental Specimen Slicer Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397DaggerSpell SpiritMain HandScalpel of Unrelenting Agony Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397StaffPhysical DPSTwo-HandSpire of Coagulated Globules Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397PlateSpell SpiritWristHeartblood Wristplates Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397MailSpell SpiritFeetMindstrainer Treads Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397LeatherPhysical DPSFeetInterrogator's Bloody Footpads Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397TrinketHealingTrinketInsignia of the Corrupted Mind Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397TrinketTankingTrinketSoulshifter Vortex Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Conqueror Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Protector Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
397Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Vanquisher Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
LevelTypeSpecSlotName Boss
410FingerTankFingerHardheart Ring Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410FingerSpell SpiritFingerSignet of Suturing Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410FingerSpell DPSFingerInfinite Loop Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410FingerMeleeFingerBreathstealer Band Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410FingerMeleeFingerSeal of Primordial Shadow Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketHealingTrinketWindward Heart Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketSpell DPSTrinketCunning of the Cruel Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketVial of Shadows Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketMeleeTrinketBone-Link Fetish Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410TrinketTankingTrinketIndomitable Pride Heroic All Bosses Except Deathwing
410AxeMeleeTwo-HandExperimental Specimen Slicer Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410DaggerSpell SpiritMain HandScalpel of Unrelenting Agony Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410StaffPhysical DPSTwo-HandSpire of Coagulated Globules Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410PlateSpell SpiritWristHeartblood Wristplates Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410MailSpell SpiritFeetMindstrainer Treads Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410LeatherPhysical DPSFeetInterrogator's Bloody Footpads Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410TrinketSpell DPSTrinketInsignia of the Corrupted Mind Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410TrinketTankingTrinketSoulshifter Vortex Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Vanquisher Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Protector Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
410Tier 13ArmorTokenLeggings of the Corrupted Conqueror Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Cataclysm RaidTaste the Rainbow!
Experience the following color combinations, and then defeat Yor'sahj the Unsleeping on Normal or Heroic Difficulty.
Cataclysm RaidSiege of Wyrmrest Temple
Defeat the bosses laying siege to Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragon Soul raid.
Cataclysm RaidHeroic: Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Defeat Yor'sahj the Unsleeping in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Категория: Cataclysm | Добавил: Aurora (26.11.2011)
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